Natures Aid ® Herbal Catarrh Relief
Formula is a traditional herbal medicinal product used to relieve the symptoms of nasal catarrh and catarrh of the throat based on traditional use only.
For oral use only. Shake the bottle = before use.
Adults, the elderly: Take one 5ml g spoonful 3 times a day.
Not recommendedforunder18 years old. z Do nottakemorethanthelabel tells rd you to. Do not usc this medicine for more £ than 7 days.lfsymptomsworsen or cd persist consultyourdoctor
D Do not take if you are: allergic to any ™ of the ingredientsortoplants of the ® Asteraceae (compositae) family: pregnant
ZT or breastfeeding:taking medicines known
§ to interact with alcohol.
q- Peel where shown for further precautions.
21 Do not store above25°C. Use within
— 28 days of firstopening.
£ Keep out of thesightand reach of — children.
m. The activeingredientsper 5ml: liquid a extract burdock ro ot {mrctipm lappa L.) 0.25ml, liquidextracthyssop herb
™ (Hyssopus officinam L.) 0.35ml.
o Also contains amongst other
ingredients: ethanol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate(E218),propyl $ parahydroxybenzoate,glycerol(E422),
■ dextrose.
See reverse for f ull list. ,
the Asteraceae (Compositae) fa artichokes or any other ingredit
If symptomsgetworse.if you get blood inyoursalivaofifsymptoms consult adoctororqualified health ■ Pregnancyandbreastfeed You shouldnotuseNatures Aid® pregnant orbreastfeeding. ■ Importantingredient inform
per dose. If you have been told intolerancetosome sugars, c this medicinalproduct. ■ Takinqothermedicines Tell youraoctororpharmacist if y medicinesjncludinganybought ■ Driving and using machine Thismedicinecontainsethanol (a ingredientinformation”.lfaffecte operate machines. | icine P1 ou… ctive ingredients, other plants of mily suchasmarigolds,daisiesor it listed in section 3. knowntointeractwithalcohol fever, shortnessofbreathor persist formorethan7days, are practitioner. g… Catarrh ReliefFormulaif you are ation cohol), i.e. up to453mg per or 5ml wine per 5ml dose. m alcoholism. Tobe taken into eeding women, children and ts with liver disease or epilepsy. benzoate (E218)which may bly delayed). s 3.75mg dextrose(glucose) by your doctor that you have an ntact your doctorbefore taking >u are taking any other ithout prescription. cohol),seesection1“lmportant by alcohol do not drive or Turn Over _____________ 20083001 |
overprint area
2. possible side effects like all medicines natures aid® have side effects, although thes thefollowingsideeffecthas be anaphylactic shock (serious swelling of the face and thro ifthissideeffectoccurs, sto consult your doctor. if any o yourdoctororpharmacist.
If you noticeanyother side effe your doctororpharmacist.
If you get any side effects, talk t nurse. Thisincludes any possib leaflet. You can also report side Card Schemeat: By reporting side effects you ca on the safety of this medicine.
3. Further information
- ■ If you accidentally take to as possible. Take this leaflet wit may resultinalcohol intoxicatio accordingly(seesection 1 “Imp Do notuseafterthe expiry d last day of that month.
- Returnanyunused medicine ■ If you miss a dose If youmissadose,takeyour ne Do nottakeadoubledose to m; Consultyourdoctororqualified further advice.