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RISPERIDONE 0.5 MG ORODISPERSIBLE TABLETS - patient leaflet, side effects, dosage

Contains active substance :

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1. What Risperidone is and what it is used for 2. Before you take Risperidone

3. How to take Risperidone

4. Possible side effects

5. How to store Risperidone

  • 6. Further information


Risperidone belongs to a group of medicines called 'anti-psychotics’

Risperidone is used to treatthe following:

  • Schizophrenia, where you may see, hear orfeel things that are notthere, believe things that are nottrue or feel unusually suspicious, or confused
  • Mania, where you may feel veryexcited, elated, agitated, enthusiastic or hyperactive. Mania occurs in an illness called "bipolar disorder”
  • Short-term treatment (up to 6 weeks) of long-term aggression in people wit Alzheimer's de­mentia, who harm themselves or others. Alternative (non-drug) treatments should have been used previously
  • Short-term treatment (up to 6weeks) of long-term aggression in intellectually disabled children (at least 5 years ofage) and adolescents with conductdisorder


Do not take Risperidone

  • ifyou areallergic (hypersensitive) to risperidone or any of te other ingredients of Risperidone (listed in Section 6 below).

Ifyou arenotsureifte above applies toyou, talk toyourdoctoror­pharmacistbefo­re using Risperidone.

Take special care with Risperidone

Checkwit yourdoctor orpharmacist before taking Risperidone if:

  • You have a heart problem. Examples includean irregular heart rhytm or ifyou are prone to low blood pressure orifyouare using medicines foryour blood pressure. Risperidone may cause low blood pressure. Yourdose may need to be adjusted.
  • You know of any factors which would favouryou having a stroke, such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular­disorder or blood vessel problems in the brain
  • You have Parkinson’s disease or dementia
  • You are diabetic
  • Youhaveepilepsy
  • You are a man and you have everhad a


prolonged oi painful erection. If you experience this while taking Risperidone, contactyourdoc­torstraight a­way

  • You have problems controlling yourbody temperature or overheating
  • You have kidney problems
  • You have liverproblems
  • You have an abnormally high level of the hormone prolactin in yourblood or ifyou have a tumour, which is possibly dependenton prolactin
  • You or someone elsein your family hasa history of blood clots, as medicines like these have been associated with formation ofblood clots.

Tell your doctor immediately if you experience

  • involuntary rhythmic movements of te tongue, mouth and face.Witdrawal of risperidone may be needed.
  • fever, severe muscle stiffness, sweating or a lowered level ofconsciousness (a disordercalled "neuroleptic malignant syndrome”). Immediate medical treatment may be needed.

Ifyou arenotsureif any of the above applies toyou, talk to yourdoctor orpharmacist before using Risperidone.

Risperidone may cause you to gain weight. Significantwe­ightgain may adversly affect your health.Your doctorshould regularly measure your bodyweight.

As diabetes mellitus orworsening of pre-existng diabetes mellitus have been seen with patients taking Risperidone, yourdoctor should check forsigns ofhigh blood sugar In patients with pre-existing diabetes mellitus blood glucose should be monitored regularly

Elderly people with dementia

In elderly patients wit dementia, there is an increased risk ofstroke. You shouldnot take risperidone ifyou have dementia caused by stroke.

During treatmentwith risperidone you should frequently see yourdoctor

Medical treatment should be sought straight away ifyou oryour care-giver notice a sudden changein yourmental state or sudden weakness ornumbess ofyour face, armsorlegs, especially ononeside,or slurred speech, even for ashort period of time.These maybe signs ofa stroke.

Children and adolescents

Before treaimentis started in conduct disorder, othercauses of aggressive behaviourshould have been ruled out. If during treatmentwith risperidone tiredness occurs, a change in the time of administration might improve attention difficulties.

Before treatment is started your, oryour child’s bodyweight may be measured anditmaybe regularlymonitored during treatment.

Taking other medicines

Please tell yourdoctororphar­macist ifyou are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained witout a prescription and herbal medicines.

It is especially important to talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any of the following:

  • Medicines thatwork on yourbrain such as to help you calm down (benzodiazepines) orsome medicines forpain (opiates), medicines for allergy (some antihistamines), as risperidone may increase the sedative effect of all of these
  • Medicines that may change te electrical activity ofyour heart, such as medicines formalaria, heart rhythm problems (such as quinidine), allergies (anti-histamines), some antidepressants orothermedicines formental problems
  • Medicines that cause aslowheart beat
  • Medicines that cause low blood potassium (e.g. certain diuretics)
  • Medicines to treatelevated blood pressure. Risperidone can lowerblood pressure.
  • This total daily dose can be divided into either one or two doses a day Yourdoctor will tell you which is the best foryou.

Elderly people

  • Yourstarting dose will normallybe0.5mg twice a day
  • Yourdose maythen be graduallyincreased byyour doctorto 1 mgto2mgtwiceaday
  • Your doctorwill tell you whichisthe best foryou.

Children and adolescents

  • Children and adolescents under18 years old should not be treated with Risperidone for schizophrenia.

For the treatment of mania


  • The starting dose will usuallybe2mg once a day
  • Yourdose may then be gradually adjusted byyour doctordepending on howyou respond to the treatment
  • Most people feel betterwith doses of 1 to 6 mg once a day.

Elderly people

  • Yourstarting dose will usuallybe0.5mg twice a day
  • Yourdose may then be gradually adjusted byyour doctorto 1mgto2 mg twice a day depending on how much you respond to the treatment.

Children and adolescents

  • Children and adolescents under18 years old should not be treated with Risperidone for bipolar mania.

For the treatment of long-standing aggression in people with Alzheimer’s de­mentia

Adults (including elderly people)

  • Your starting dosewill normally be 0.25mg twice a day.
  • Yourdose may then be gradually adjusted byyour doctordepending on howyou respond to the treatment
  • Most people feel betterwith 0.5 mg twice a day Some patients may need 1 mg twice a day.
  • Treatmentdura­tioninpatientswit Alzheimer's de­mentia should be notmore than 6 weeks.

For the treatment of conduct disorder in children and adolescents

The dosewill depend on yourchild’sweight:

Forchildren who weighless than 50 kg

  • The starting dose will normallybe0.25mg once a day
  • The dose may be increased every oter dayin steps of 0.25 mg perday
  • The usual maintenance dose is 0.25 mg to 0.75 mg once a day.

Forchildren who weigh 50 kg or more

  • The starting dose will normallybe0.5mg once a day
  • The dose may be increased every oter dayin steps of 0.5 mg perday
  • The usual maintenance dose is 0.5 mg to


Treamentduration in patient with conduct disordershouldbe­notmorethan6 we­eks.

Children under5years old shouldnotbe treated with Risperidone forconduct disorder.

People with kidney or liver problems

Regardless ofthe disease to be treated, all starting doses and following doses of risperidone should be halved. Dose increases should be slower in tese patients.

Risperidone should be used with caution in tis patientgroup.

How to take Risperidone

Always take Risperidone exactly as your doctorhas told you.You should checkwith yourdoctororphar­macistifyou arenotsure. Your doctorwill tell you how much medicine to take and for how long. This will depend on

yourcondition and vanes from person to person. The amount ofmedicine you should take is explained underthe 'How much to take’ sub-heading below.

Risperidone orodispersible tablets are fragile. They should not be pushed through the foil in the blister pack as this will cause damage to the tablet. Remove a tablet from the package as follows:

  • 1. Hold the blisterat the edges and separate one blistercell from the rest ofthe blister by gently tearing along the perforations around it.

  • 2. Pull up the edge of tie foil and peel foil off completely.

  • 3. Tipthe tablet outontoyourhand.

  • 4. Puttie tableton the tongue as soon as it is removed from tie packaging.

In a few seconds it begins disintegratingin the mouti and subsequently can be swallowed with orwithoutwaterThe mouth should be emptybefore placing the tablet onte tongue. You can also put the tablet in a full glass or cup ofwaterand drinkit straight away.

  • If you take more Risperidone than you should Seeadoctorright away. Takethemedicine pack with you.
  • In case of overdose you may feel sleepy or tired, or have abnormal body movements, problems standing and walking, feel dizzy duetolowblood­pressure,orha­ve abnormal heart beats orfits.

If you forget to take Risperidone

  • Ifyou forgetto take a dose, take itas soon as you remember it. However, if it is almost time foryournext dose, skip the missed dose and continue as usual. Ifyou miss two ormore doses, contactyour doctor.
  • Do not take a double dose (two doses at the same time) to make up for a forgotten dose.

If you stop taking Risperidone

You should notstop taking this medicine unlesstoldtodoso byyour doctor Your symptoms may return. Ifyour doctordecides to stop this medicine, your dose may be decreased gradually overa few days.

Ifyou have any furtherquestions on the use ofthis product, askyour doctororpharmacist

and eyes along with difficulty breathing, sudden weakness ornumbness ofthe face, arms, or legs, especially on one side, or instances of slurred speech that last for less than 24 hours (these are called mini-strokes or strokes), involuntary movements of face, arms, or legs, ringing in ears, face oedema.

Rare (affects 1 to 10 users in 10,000):

  • Inability to reach orgasm, menstrual disorder
  • Dandruff
  • Drug allergy, coldness in arms and legs, lip swelling, lip inflammation
  • Glaucoma, reduced visual clarity, eyelid margin crusting, eye rolling
  • Lackofemotion
  • Change in consciousness wit increased body temperature and twitching of muscles, oedema all overthe body, drug withdrawal syndrome, body temperature decreased
  • Fast shallow breathing, trouble breating during sleep, chronic otitis media
  • Obstruction ofintestine
  • Reduced blood flow to the brain
  • Decrease in white blood cells, inappropriate secretion of a hormone tat controls urinevolume
  • Breakdown ofmuscle fibers and pain in muscles (rhabdomyolysis), movement disorder
  • Coma due to uncontrolled diabetes
  • Yellowing ofthe skin and the eyes (jaundice)
  • Inflammation of the pancreas
  • Lowbloodsugar

Very rare (affects less than 1 user in 10,000):

  • Life threatening complications of uncontrolled diabetes.

Unknown frequency of occurrence (frequency cannot be estimated from the available data):

  • Severe allergic reaction resulting in difficulty in breathing and shock
  • No granulocytes (a type ofwhite blood celltohelp you against infection)
  • Prolonged and painful erection
  • Dangerously excessive intake ofwater
  • Blood clots in the veins especially in the legs (symptoms include swelling, pain and rednessin teleg),whichmay travel trough blood vessels to te lungs causing chest pain and difficulty in breathing. Ifyou notice any ofthese symptoms seek medical advice immediately


Like all medicines, Risperidone can cause side effect, although noteverybody get tiem. Very common: affects more than 1 userin 10

Common: affects 1 to10users in 100

Uncommon: affects 1to10 users in 1,000

Rare: affects 1 to10usersin 10,000

Veryrare: affectslessthan1u­serin


Not known: frequency cannot be estimated from the available data.

The following side effect may happen:

Very common (affects more than 1 user in 10):

  • Parkinsonism.This is a medical term that

includes many symptoms. Each individual symptom may occur less frequently than in 1 in 10 people. Parkinsonism includes: increase in saliva secretion orwatery mouth, musculoskeletal stiffness, drooling, jerks when bending tie limbs, slow, reduced or impaired body movements, no expression on the face, muscle tightness, stiff neck, muscle stffness, small, shuffling, hurried steps and lack of normal arm movements when walking, persistent blinking in response to tapping ofthe forehead (an abnormal reflex).

Long-acting injectable risperidone formulation

The following side effect have been reported with te use of long-acting injectable risperidone formulation. Even ifyou arenot being treated with long acting injections of risperidone butyou experience any of the following, talk toyourdoctor

  • Infection of the intestine
  • Abscess underthe skin, tingling pricking or numbness of skin, inflammation ofthe skin
  • Decrease in white blood cell counts that helps to protectyou against bacterial infection
  • Depression
  • Convulsion
  • Eyeblinking
  • Sensation ofspinningor swaying
  • Slow beating heart high blood pressure
  • Toothache, tongue spasm
  • Buttockpain
  • Weightdecreased.

_asleep. _

Common (affects 1 to 10 users in 100):

If any of the side effects gets serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.


  • Drowsiness, fatigue, restlessness, inability to sit still, irritability, anxiety, sleepiness, dizziness, poor attention, feeling exhausted, sleep disorder
  • Vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, increased appetite, abdominal pain or discomfort, sore throat, dry mouth
  • Weightincreased,in­creaseinbody temperature, decreased appetite
  • Difficulty breathing, lung infection (pneumonia), flu, infection of the breathing passages, blurred vision, nose congestion, nose bleeding, cough
  • Urinary tract infection, bed wetting
  • Muscle spasm, involuntary movement of face orarmsandlegs,jo­intpain, back pain, swelling of arms and legs, pain in arms and legs
  • Rash, skin redness
  • Fastbeatinghe­art,diestpain
  • Blood prolactin hormone level increased.

Uncommon (affects 1 to 10 users in 1,000):

  • Excessive drinking ofwater, stool incontinence, thirsty, veryhard faeces, hoarseness orvoice disorder

Lung infection caused by inhaling of food into the breating passages, bladder infection, 'pink eye’, sinus infection,viral infection, ear infection, tonsil infection, infection underthe skin, eye infection, stomach infection, eye discharge, yeast infection of nails

  • Abnormal electrical conduction of the heart drop in blood pressure after standing, low blood pressure, feeling dizzy afterchanging body position, abnormal electric activity tracing of tie heart (ECG), abnormal heart rhytm, awareness of heartbeating, heart rate increased or decreased
  • Urinary retention, urinary incontinence, pain when passing urine, frequentpassing ofurine
  • Confused, disturbance in attention, low level of consciousness, excessive sleep, ■ nervousness, elated mood (mania) lack of energy and interest
—— Liverenzymesin­creased,white­bloodcell count decreased, low haemoglobin or red blood cell count (anaemia), increase in eosinophils (special white blood cells), blood creatininephos­phokinase increased, decrease in platelet (blood cells that helpyou stop bleeding)
  • Diabetes mellitus, high blood sugar
  • Muscle weakness, muscle pain, ear pain, neck pain, joint swelling, abnormal posture, joint stiffness, musculoskeletal chest pain, chest discomfort
  • Skin lesion, skin disorder, dry skin, intense itching of skin, acne, hairloss, skin inflammation caused by mites, skin discoloration, thickening of skin, flushing, reduced skin sensitivity to pain or touch, inflammation of oily skin
  • No menstruation, sexual dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, ejaculation disorder, breast discharge,enlar­gement of breast in men, decreased sexual drive, irregular menstruation, vaginal discharge
  • Fainting, gaitdisturbance, sluggishness, decreased appetite resulting in malnutrition and low bodyweight, feeling 'out ofsorts’, balance disorder, allergy, oedema, speech disorder, chills, abnormal coordination
  • Painful oversensitivity to light, increased blood flowtotie eye, eye swelling, dry eye, increase in tears
  • Breating passage disorder, lung congestion, crackly lung noise, congestion of breathing passages, trouble speaking, difficulty swallowing, cough with sputum, coarse/whistling sound during breating, flu-like illness, sinus congestion
  • Unresponsive tostimuli, loss of consciousness, sudden swelling oflips

Keep out of the reach and sight of children. Do not use aftterthe expiry date stated on the package.

This medicinal product does not require any special storage conditions.

Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your [pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no onger required. These measures will help to protect the environment.


What Risperidone contains

  • The active ingredientis risperidone. Each tablet contains 0.5 mg, 1mgor2 mg risperidone.
  • Other ingredients are mannitol (E421), basic butylated methacrylate copolymer, povidone K-25, microcrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropyl­cellulose, aspartame (E951), crospovidone, red iron oxide (E172), spearmint flavour, peppermint flavour, calcium silicate, magnesium stearate.

What Risperidone looks like and contents of the pack

Orodispersible tablet:

Tablets are round, slightly convex, pink marbled tablets.

Contents ofthe packs: 20, 28, 30, 50, 56, 60, ?8or100tablet­sinblisters…

Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

Marketing Authorisation Holder and Manufacturer

Krka, d.d., Novo mesto, Smaijeska cesta 6, 8501 Novomesto,Slo­venia.

This leaflet was last revised in June 2013.



The drug is classified in the ATC tree: