ATC codes
- V04CG01 cation exchange resins
- V04CG02 betazole
- V04CG03 histamine phosphate
- V04CG04 pentagastrin
- V04CG05 methylthioninium chloride
- V04CG30 caffeine and sodium benzoate
- V04CH renal function and ureteral injuries test diagnostic agents
- V04CH01 inulin and other polyfructosans
- V04CH02 indigo carmine
- V04CH03 phenolsulfonphthalein
- V04CH04 alsactide
- V04CH30 aminohippuric acid
- V04CJ thyreoidea function test diagnostic agents
- V04CJ01 thyrotropin
- V04CJ02 protirelin
- V04CK pancreatic function test diagnostic agents
- V04CK01 secretin
- V04CK02 pancreozymin (cholecystokinin)
- V04CK03 bentiromide
- V04CL allergic disease test diagnostic agents