V01AA04 mold fungus and yeast fungus allergenic extracts
V01AA04 mold fungus and yeast fungus allergenic extracts
Medicines by ATC code V01AA04 mold fungus and yeast fungus allergenic extracts
No medicines found.
Other names of the ATC group
- Czech: V01AA04 Plísně a kvasinky, alergeny
- French: V01AA04 moisissures de champignons et levures
- German: V01AA04 Schimmel- und Hefepilze
- German: V01AA04 Schimmel- und Hefepilze
- Polish: V01AA04 Grzyby i drożdże, alergeny
- Turkish: V01AA04 küf mantarı ve maya mantarı alerjik özleri