N05CB02 barbiturates in combination with other drugs
N05CB Barbiturates, combinations
N05CB02 barbiturates in combination with other drugs
Medicines by ATC code N05CB02 barbiturates in combination with other drugs
No medicines found.
Other names of the ATC group
- Czech: N05CB02 Barbituráty v kombinaci s jinými léčivy
- French: N05CB02 barbituriques en association avec d'autres substances
- German: N05CB02 Barbiturate in Kombination mit anderen Mitteln
- German: N05CB02 Barbiturate in Kombination mit anderen Mitteln
- Polish: N05CB02 Barbiturany w połączeniu z innymi lekami
- Turkish: N05CB02 diğer ilaçlarla kombinasyon halinde barbitüratlar