N03AB03 amino(diphenylhydantoin) valeric acid
N03AB Hydantoin derivatives, antiepileptics
N03AB03 amino(diphenylhydantoin) valeric acid
Medicines by ATC code N03AB03 amino(diphenylhydantoin) valeric acid
No medicines found.
Other names of the ATC group
- Czech: N03AB03 Amino(difenylhydantoin)valerová kyselina
- French: N03AB03 acide amino (diphénylhydantoïne) valérique
- German: N03AB03 Amino(diphenylhydantoin)valeriansäure
- German: N03AB03 Amino(diphenylhydantoin)valeriansäure
- Polish: N03AB03 Amino (difenylohydantoina) kwas walerianowy
- Turkish: N03AB03 amino(difenilhidantoin) valerik asit