N02AG04 hydromorphone and antispasmodics
N02AG Opioids in combination with antispasmodics
N02AG04 hydromorphone and antispasmodics
Medicines by ATC code N02AG04 hydromorphone and antispasmodics
No medicines found.
Other names of the ATC group
- Czech: N02AG04 Hydromorfon a spazmolytika
- French: N02AG04 hydromorphone et antispasmodiques
- German: N02AG04 Hydromorphon mit Spasmolytika
- German: N02AG04 Hydromorphon mit Spasmolytika
- Polish: N02AG04 Hydromorfon i przeciwskurczowe
- Turkish: N02AG04 hidromorfon ve antispazmodikler