C03CB Sulfonamides and potassium in combination, high-ceiling diruetics, excluding thiazides
C03CB Sulfonamides and potassium in combination, high-ceiling diruetics, excluding thiazides
Medicines by ATC code C03CB Sulfonamides and potassium in combination, high-ceiling diruetics, excluding thiazides
No medicines found.
Other names of the ATC group
- Czech: C03CB Sulfonamidy a kalium v kombinaci
- French: C03CB sulfamides et potassium en association
- German: C03CB Sulfonamide und Kalium in Kombination
- German: C03CB Sulfonamide und Kalium in Kombination
- Polish: C03CB Połączenie sulfonamidów i potasu
- Turkish: C03CB Sülfonamidler ve potasyum kombinasyonu, yüksek tavanlı dirüetikler, tiyazidler hariç